Code of Ethics and Conduct Policy​

General Information

Odeabank is strongly committed to ethical behavior, which was successfully built on a resolute dedication to the core values that define its relationship with all stakeholders.

From this perspective, the Bank’s Code of Ethics and Conduct Policy puts into writing the institution’s highest ethical and behavioral standards which it upholds and practices throughout all its entities, subsidiaries and affiliates to build and maintain strong bonds with the Bank’s clients, stakeholders, communities and one another.

Handbook of ‘Odeabank’s Code of Conduct’ has been published with the purpose of regulating employee behavior and the professional relations of employees in parallel to the Bank's commitment to corporate governance principles and ethical values concerning.

You may find Code of Conduct by following the

The present Policy consists of a set of rules designed to determine all personal and professional obligations of our employees towards their work, calling on them to always act honestly, responsibly and virtuously. These rules ensure that quick and correct decisions are made and that the highest professional and ethical standards are adhered to.