Currency/Precious Metals​

You can open foreign currency term and current deposit accounts through Odeabank, benefit from advantageous exchange rates, and gain profit from currency and parity fluctuations.

General Information

Odeabank Foreign Exchange/Precious Metals Advantages

  • You can get up-to-date information about foreign exchange markets and exchange rates from our investment experts.
  • You can invest your savings in foreign currency (USD/EUR/GBP) at advantageous deposit interest rates for the terms you desire.
  • You can easily carry out your precious metals transactions through our branches or by opening a gold/silver account online. With Precious Metals accounts, you can start investing from a minimum of 1 gram.
  • Benefit from trading in cross rates.
  • By using our internet branch and contacting our Customer Service Center for currency buying/selling transactions, you not only save time but also take advantage of our favorable exchange rates.

Where can you make foreign exchange transactions?

You can perform your foreign exchange transactions at all Odeabank branches, through the Odea Mobile Application, Internet Banking, the Contact Center (444 8 444), and our ATMs.


Gold Price Chart


Exchange Rate TCMB (TL) Free(TL) Odeabank (TL)

Güncelleme Tarihi: 18:05


Gold Type Bid Sell

Güncelleme Tarihi: 18:05

Market Cross Rates

Cross Exchange Rate Last Change (%)

Güncelleme Tarihi: 18:05