Identity Verification and Authentication
The first step in customer identification is identity verification and authentication. Within the scope of our local regulations;
- Without considering the amount, in establishing a continuous business relationship,
- When the transaction amount or the total amount of multiple related transactions reaches Twenty Thousand Turkish Lira (or equivalent foreign currency),
- When the transaction amount or the total amount of multiple related transactions in electronic transfers reaches two thousand Turkish Lira (or equivalent foreign currency),li>
- Without considering the amount in cases requiring suspicious transaction reporting,
- Without considering the amount when there is doubt about the adequacy and accuracy of previously obtained customer identity information,
Identity-related information is collected, and the identity of the customer and those acting on behalf of or on the account of the customer is verified by confirming the accuracy of this information.
Identity verification is completed before establishing a business relationship or conducting transactions. In the establishment of a continuous business relationship, information about the purpose and nature of the business relationship is obtained.
In our bank, necessary measures are taken to determine whether someone is acting on behalf of another account. When a person declares that they are acting on behalf of another, the identity verification procedures for individuals and for those acting on behalf of others are considered. The identity and authorization status of the requester and the identity of the account being acted upon are determined accordingly.
Customer Due Diligence (CDD) and Know Your Customer (KYC) Practices
Our bank has adopted the principles of strong and effective customer due diligence as the most effective way to conduct compliance risk management in combating money laundering and terrorism financing.
It is essential to conduct ongoing and periodic reviews of customers' status assessments within specified intervals.
Our strong and solid MDD and MT application principles/main elements;
- Identification and verification of customer and beneficial owner identities, and determination and verification of the source of funds and/or wealth,
- Screening of customers and beneficial owners against international watchlists (primarily UN, EU, USA, UK, France, Canada, etc.),
- Monitoring of negative media reports,
- Gathering detailed information about the purpose and nature of the business relationship,
- Obtaining information about expected/predicted transaction volumes and types,
- Systematic identification and customer risk rating based on legal regulations according to customer types,
- Establishment of detailed customer identification, acceptance rules, and alert mechanisms, including approval from senior management for high-risk individuals and entities,
- Conducting customer and transaction monitoring activities based on a risk-based approach,
- Investigation and examination of unusual customers and transactions,
- Keeping customer information and documents up to date, and documenting/storing information and identified situations,
- Effective and appropriate internal and external reporting,
- Ensuring the content, importance, detection of unusual and extraordinary transactions, reporting, and organizing necessary training and/or informing about changes in laws and related regulations regarding Customer Identification practices,
- Establishing and maintaining business relationships with customers based on transparency and mutual trust principles.
Customer Acceptance Policy
As a result of the customer assessment within the framework of the principles mentioned above;
- Identifying the customer's risk profile,
- Conducting detailed assessments for customers classified as high risk,
- Taking actions related to establishing, rejecting, and/or terminating the business relationship with the customer,
It is essential.
According to the local and international regulations and Audi Group principles established within the risk-based approach, it is prohibited to enter into business relationships, provide products, and services to individuals and entities listed below.
- Individuals and entities requesting account opening with anonymous/fake names and aliases,
- Shell banks,
- Individuals and organizations involved in casino, illegal, and/or illicit betting activities,
- Non-profit organizations (Foundations, Associations, etc.) registered in a country other than Turkey,
- Legal entities with permission to issue bearer shares/partnership structure and shareholders who hold bearer shares/partnership shares,
- Individuals and entities for whom customer due diligence cannot be conducted due to unwillingness to provide necessary information and documents or to cooperate (e.g., suspicion of unverified identity information or lack of reliability of shared information),
- Individuals and entities suspected of or having reasonable grounds to suspect involvement in money laundering and financing terrorism crimes related to the source of wealth or funds,
- Individuals and entities listed in local and international sanction lists (OFAC, EU, UN, France, UK, Canada, or any local lists),
- Individuals and entities requesting services, products, and transactions for the purpose of tax evasion,
- Individuals and entities conducting fund/asset transfers or transactions on behalf of their own customers or third parties,
- Individuals and entities requesting acceptance of funds and assets without conducting customer identification and verification, without determining the beneficial owner where necessary, and/or without obtaining information about the nature and purpose of the business relationship.
Bankamızda kimlik tespiti yapılamadığında veya iş ilişkisinin amacı hakkında yeterli bilgi edinilemediği durumlarda, iş ilişkisi tesis edilemez ve Bankamız personeli müşterilerin talep ettikleri işlemleri gerçekleştirmezler.
Daha önce elde edilen müşteri kimlik bilgilerinin yeterliliği ve doğruluğu konusunda şüphe duyulması nedeniyle yapılması gereken kimlik tespit ve teyidinin yapılamadığı durumda iş ilişkisi sona erdirilir.