SMS Services​

Discover how to use the SMS notification services offered by Odeabank.

General Information

Transaction Description Using Example
SET A PASSWORD You can use this to set a password for your credit and debit card. (SIFRE) space (4-digit password) space (Last 4 digits of the card and the CVV code on the back of the card) (For example: SIFRE 1234 1234123)
CURRENT DEBT LIMIT You can use this to learn the amount of your current period spending and the available limit on your credit card. (GUNCEL) space (Last 4 digits of the card) (For example: GUNCEL 1234)
LAST STATEMENT DEBT You can use this to learn the amount and due date of the last statement debt on your credit card. EKSTRE) space (Last 4 digits of the card) (For example: EKSTRE 1234)
CURRENCY Our bank's buying/selling exchange rates DOVIZ
BRANCH To get our branch addresses, after the keyword, you should send the city and district names without Turkish characters SUBE {CITY}{TOWN}
APPLY CREDİT CARD You can use this to apply for a credit card from our bank. (BANKO) space (TCKN) space (Date of Birth in DD.MM.YYYY format) (For example: BANKO 12341234123 01.01.1990)
Transaction Description Using Example
BALANCE Checking account balance BAKIYE {Customer no} or
BAKIYE {Customer no} USD
BOND Your bond/treasury bill portfolio BONO {Customer no}