Oksijen Account Interest Rates​

General Information

Oksijen Account* - TL

TL- Amount Range * Current Account Minimum Limit* Digital Acquisition New Customer Welcome Rate Welcome Interest Rate** Continuation Interest Rate
0-25.000 TL 7.500 TL 48,00% 48,00% 40,00%
25.001-50.000 TL 7.500 TL 48,00% 48,00% 40,00%
50.001-100.000 TL 10.000 TL 48,00% 48,00% 40,00%
100.001-250.000 TL 20.000 TL 48,00% 48,00% 40,00%
250.001-500.000 TL 40.000 TL 48,00% 48,00% 40,00%
500.001-750.000 TL 75.000 TL 48,00% 48,00% 40,00%
750.001-1.000.000 TL 125.000 TL 48,00% 48,00% 40,00%
1.000.001-2.000.000 TL 200.000 TL 48,00% 48,00% 40,00%
2.000.001-5.000.000 TL 300.000 TL 48,00% 48,00% 35,00%
5.000.001-10.000.000 TL 500.000 TL 13,50% 13,50% 13,00%

Oksijen Account* - USD

USD-Amount Range Demand Lower Limit* Welcome Interest Rate** Continuation Interest Rate
0-25.000 USD 1.000 USD 2,00% 1,00%
25.001-50.000 USD 2.500 USD 2,00% 1,00%
50.001-100.000 USD 4.000 USD 2,00% 1,00%
100.001-150.000 USD 5.000 USD 2,00% 1,00%
150.001-250.000 USD 7.500 USD 2,00% 1,00%
250.001-2.000.000 USD 10.000 USD 1,00% 1,00%

Oksijen Account* - EUR

EUR-Amount Range Demand Lower Limit* Welcome Interest Rate** Continuation Interest Rate
0-25.000 EUR 1.000 EUR 1,25% 0,25%
25.001-50.000 EUR 2.500 EUR 1,25% 0,25%
50.001-100.000 EUR 4.000 EUR 1,25% 0,25%
100.001-150.000 EUR 5.000 EUR 1,25% 0,25%
150.001-250.000 EUR 7.500 EUR 1,25% 0,25%
250.001-2.000.000 EUR 10.000 EUR 0,25% 0,25%

*The bank reserves the right to change the interest rates, no-fee usage amounts, and terms separately for TL, USD, and EUR currencies. The annual gross interest rate applied to term deposits will be valid on the entire Oksijen Account balance exceeding the specified no-fee usage amount, on a daily basis. Interest rates may be adjusted by the Bank upwards or downwards based on market movements and balance ranges.

In the Oksijen Account; At no-fee lower limits, fractional balances exceeding the maximum amount within the total amount range are processed from the upper amount range. The "Amount range" refers to the balance in the No-Fee Account attached to the Oksijen Account at the end of the day, if the required no-fee lower limit is met, which will be considered as a term deposit in the Oksijen Account.

As of January 11, 2021, the old type Oksijen Accounts (Oksijen Account, Oksijen Plus Account, Oksijen Mini Account) have been closed to new registrations. As of January 11, 2021, only Oksijen Accounts can be opened.

**The welcome interest rates offered for the Oksijen Account product are valid for our customers who are opening an account with us for the first time for a period of 100 days from the date of registration. At the end of the 100 days, the welcome interest period will expire, and the account will automatically continue to accrue interest at the Continuation Interest rate.