Environmental and Social Policy and List of Prohibited Activities​

Review Odeabank's Prohibited Activities List , prepared in accordance with the International Finance Corporation's (IFC) designated list.

General Information


The provided text describes Odeabank's Environmental and Social Policy, which includes principles and regulations aimed at identifying and preventing environmental and social impacts that may arise from the bank's lending processes. The bank has prepared the List of Prohibited Activities based on the list determined by the International Finance Corporation (IFC), and any activities on this list are not financed.

Additionally, the text outlines the prohibited activities on Odeabank's List of Prohibited Activities:

  • Production and/or trade of products/activities considered illegal or banned by country legislation, international agreements, and treaties (e.g., medical products, pesticides and herbicides, substances harmful to the ozone layer, polychlorinated biphenyls, wildlife, products specified by the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora - CITES, etc.).
  • Production and/or trade of weapons and ammunition.
  • Production and/or trade of alcoholic beverages (except wine and beer, up to 3% of the total corporate portfolio).
  • Production and/or trade of tobacco products (up to 3% of the total corporate portfolio).
  • Casinos and equivalent establishments.
  • Production and/or trade of radioactive substances (except for medical equipment, quality control devices, and cases where the use of radioactive substances is limited and adequate protection is provided).
  • Production and/or trade of asbestos (excluding asbestos content below 20% in cement coatings).
  • Fishing activities dragging nets longer than 2.5 kilometers.
  • Exploitative or harmful activities employing forced labor/child labor.
  • Commercial logging activities in primary tropical rainforests.
  • Forestry activities in non-sustainably managed forests and Critical Life Areas.
  • Maritime transport of oil or other hazardous substances in tankers that do not meet IMO requirements.
  • Trade of products without the necessary export or import permits, licenses, or transit permits obtained from relevant countries.
  • Pornography and prostitution.
  • International trade of waste and various waste products outside the requirements of the Basel Convention and related legal regulations.
  • Activities prohibited by the country's legislation and international treaties for the preservation of biodiversity resources or cultural heritage.
  • Distribution of racist, undemocratic materials, production, and distribution of materials inciting a group against another.
  • Exploration of diamond deposits in the absence of the country being a party to the Kimberley Process Certification Scheme or other international agreements concerning similar resources to be extracted from underground and commercialization of diamonds.